Tag Archives: giving it over


Sorry, this poem isn’t that great. I tried to rhyme, and I suppose the real reason I dislike writing rhyming poetry is because I’m bad at it. Anyways:

God, I put it in Your hands

The strongest grip I’ve ever seen

Death crumbles in Your grasp

And with Your hands, our hearts you glean

Now I’m laying all of it down

I can’t hold it any longer

And, my God, I will trust You

Above all, You are stronger

This is the most precious thing

So fragile, perfect, lovely, give it rest

Take care of it, I know You will

Keep it safe, near Your chest

God, I pray, show it Your love

More than I could ever give

And, God, stroke it with Your loving hands

Let it have proof to know that You live

Thank You, for the chances You gave

For the trials and friendship and fun

For the growth and lessons

But most of all for the tears, every one

I’ll let go, but I’ll never say goodbye

I love it, and that’s why I give it to You

You are so much greater, You can give it peace

And through Your Word, I believe it is true

Your hands are strong and firm

I will trust You with my treasure

God, I love more than even that

You are my hope, my pain, my pleasure




Posted by on March 27, 2012 in All that Jesus Stuff, Poetry


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